- Ballroom: John MacWilliams
- From Here to There installation view: Peter MacCallum
- Leaf Garden The Opera Place Park: Serge Vaisman
- Lux installation views : Courtesy Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, Christine Guest
- Lux Obscura installation view: Peter MacCallum
- Perennials 15th-storey view, pool detail, glass detail (colour): Robert Keziere
- Perennials shattered glass screen (b/w): Henri Robideau
- River installation view: Courtesy Viscusi, Stones & Projects Ltd.
- Tablets: Breath/ Souffle: Christine Guest
- Trajectoire imperceptible: Courtesy Ville de Troyes, D. Le Névé
- Vibrations: Christine Guest
- Other images: Barbara Steinman